
0001 [含5个开发信模板的邮件序列] 开发LinkedIn的潜在客户(二)

这个开发信模板序列(Mail Sequence)的作者在LinkedIn中的运用场景中,邮件的打开率为81%,回复率为43%

主题行:[insert subject of pain point] discussion for [prospect company]

Hi [prospect name],

I just came across your LinkedIn profile (I’m the [insert SDR job title of your company] that viewed your profile a few minutes ago) and I have the impression that [insert problem your company addresses] is something you deal with at [your company]… so I decided to take the bull by the horns.

Basically, I talk with a lot of [insert relevant job title A] and [insert relevant job title B] in your market – a bit like you, and I think it’d be really interesting for us to exchange about [insert relevant industry topic]… I’m starting a get a good idea of best practices in this area (I try to make myself useful)

0001 [含5个开发信模板的邮件序列] 开发LinkedIn的潜在客户(二)

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