
0002 5个很管用的序列外贸开发信模板

原创作者: 文美知识网 发布时间: 2023-11-3 276 人阅读

0002 五个很管用的序列外贸开发信模板

如果你正在使用Opt-in(选择性加入)收集潜在用户的邮箱,那么编写一组外贸开发信序列并正确发送,可以为你的公司创造奇迹。 希望下面的外贸开发信序列能给您一些启发,让你开始自己的email sequence。


Hi there!

Thanks so much for subscribing to our blog. I really appreciate that you want to keep in contact with us here at [name of business].

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be sending you a series of emails focused on our best content. This will help you get started [what you’re helping them to do]. I know, you’re super busy and you’re probably already getting tons of other emails (I do too) but I promise that I’ve hand-picked only the best emails to send to you. Each one will contain valuable experiences and lessons that will help [achieve their goal].

If you ever want to reach out, I’m available 24/7 at []. On social? You can connect with me on Twitter at [@username].

0002 5个很管用的序列外贸开发信模板

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